Sunday, February 26, 2012

Siena, Italy!

Saturday, February 4th, I went on a school trip to Sienna, Italy. Siena is more southern than Florence but is on a mountain and has an altitude of 738 feet when Florence has an altitude of 381 feet. So that being the case, Siena was BITTER cold. BEAUTIFUL but bitter cold. We had a tour guide and he brought us to St. Domenico's Basilica. It was built in 1226 by the Dominicans in Gothic style, with a rectangular nave, an Egyptian cross plan and square apse, and was completed in 1465. The building is an embodiment of simplicity, strength and grandeur. It also houses St. Catherine's Skull and relics in a shrine. She brought the Pope Gregory XI back to Rome from his displacement in France, and she established peace among the Italian city-states, She was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970 and she is one of the two patron saints of Italy. When she died she was buried in Rome but the people of Siena wished that her body had been buried in Siena where she was born. So they were able to take the head from the body and were able to bring it to Siena where it is today in St. Domenico's Basilica.

Next, we were brought to the Duomo. Constructed around 1200, is one of the most extraordinary European cathedrals. The lower section of the facade is full of statuary marble works. It was built by Giovanni Pisano in Romanesque style, with three big entrances and a series of statues whereas the upper section is decorated in Gothic style, with a beautiful mosaic.

Then we took an hour to eat lunch but soon after went to the house of Santa Caterina. She was declared patron of Italy by Pope Pius XII in 1939. The house has a nice Renaissance stone front entrance. Then we went into Santa Caterina's chapel which is in the house but very preserved and private. It has some of Sodoma's frescos, close to the alter, there is a painting of St. Caterina of Siena, considered the only existing accurate portrait of the saint.

By this point, everyone was too cold to go to San Gimignano for a walking tour of the town so we called it a day got some cioccolata calda and headed home. Siena was beautiful especially with the white snow covering the city but I would like to go back one day when it's warmer to be able to enjoy the city a little more.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Buon Appetito!

Thursday, January 26th, My roommate Julie and I went to our first cooking lesson in Italy! It took place at the cooking school, In Tavola. Our chef/ teacher was Silvio! We were taught how to make our own pasta from scratch, tiramisu, pasta bolognese and vegetable soufle! The meal was DELICIOUS and so fun to make! I will definitely be treating my friends and family to some homemade Italian cooking when I'm back in the States! When we finished cooking we were brought downstairs to a beautiful Italian style dining room where we were served the meals we just created and a glass of wine :) It was such a fun experience and Julie and I plan to go to a pizza and gelato making class next time! Talk about good eatin'! :)

pisa Pisa PISA

  • On Friday, January 20th, we went to Pisa, Italy and it was beautiful. We saw the tower, of course, but we were able to go into the cathedral, baptistry, and the tombs. I remember the first second I saw the tower in the distance, I couldn't believe I was seeing it with my own eyes!! What an amazing feeling. It was one of those moments where I realize how lucky I am to be living in Italy! While in Pisa we stopped to get a bite to eat at Pisa Cafe and ended our meal with some delicious gelato.


Things have been very busy this past month and yes, it's been a while since i've updated. We’ve been exploring the town and meeting a lot of new people. We also went to Pisa, but more about that later. First, I will start off by talking about my classes!

Monday I have class from 8:45am-6pm. Long day! I’m taking Collections, which basically means you create a "fashion" collection of technical flat designs that corresponds to a specific theme. I like it a lot so far, i'm learning so much about drawing and the correct way to develop a fashion design collection. For this class, by teacher will go back and forth between English and Italian to explain everything. Then, I have Italian Language from 12:30-2:30. We have a really small class and I like my teacher a lot so i'm very happy to be fulfilling some Italian credits here! My third class from 3:00pm-6:00pm is Italian Literature. This is probably my least favorite class (I really hope my teacher doesn't see this hah...) She's obsessed with homework, projects, reading, presentations, everything! Not gonna lie, she drives me a little crazy with that stuff... BUT she is also a very good teacher and I like her a lot.

Tuesday I have fashion illustration in the morning. In this class, we just work on our sketches and fashion figures. The professor is supposed to be amazing, but she doesn’t speak any english, like at all! Haha It's not like anything i'm used to back at the states but she's an amazing fashion illustrator so i'm giving her a chance ;) I've only had about 3 classes with her and already my sketches have improved so much! After that, I have my Italian class again, Monday- Thursday 12:30-2:30.

Wednesday I have Fashion CAD (computer aided design). This teacher doesn't speak very much English which has been proving to be kind of difficult at times. So I just do my best to follow the instructions and the presentation she does at the beginning of class. It's a cool class though, I'm working with the program, OptiTex CREATE, it's a really expensive design program but so far all we've done are technical flat skirt patterns on it. I'm excited for when I get to create actual designs of my own. And then of course I have my Italian class.

Lastly, on Thursdays I only have my Italian class which is pretty sweet. And no class on Fridays!!! :D

Overall, I like my classes and I like that I have free time for travel and museums.

Ciao! <3